fast food and restaurant requirements

Takeaway food box

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Takeaway food box

The takeaway food box and food packaging has been existed in different cultures from past which are different depending on geographical location and kind of food that is served. It is interesting to know that the first pack of food goes back to the beginning of human civilization, this happened when the primitive decided to settle permanently. Settling in one place forced these people to go to other areas to hunt, and consequently, they had to pack  their hunting and food for transporting them more easily.


Takeaway food box



Importance of the takeaway food box

Since the takeaway food in restaurants, catering  and fast food has a special place among the people today, you can use this takeaway food box for things like advertising and introducing the name of your restaurant, and you can also gain your customer trust and satisfaction by using different ways such as, maintaining the quality and temperature of  food in delivering time and designing it so that it can be easier to carry.

Takeaway food box features

The takeaway food box varies depending on the type of food you make, so we intend to focus on some of the important features that play an important role in proper food packaging.

Thermal insulation and strength

If you tend to send warm food to outside of your restaurant or fast food, like warm sandwiches, different types of stew, pizza and etc, undoubtedly thermal insulation is one of the most important and efficient factors of your takeaway food box. There are different ways and methods in this regard, one of which is the use of a double-glazed box. This box has two layers of cardboard, in addition to maintaining the inside heat of the box, also has sufficient strength to not break and bend during transport. You can also use the cardboard box for sandwiches and pizza.


Takeaway food box


Moisture regulator

If you want a takeaway food box for Italian foods such as pasta, soups, etc., it is best to use different boxes depending on the type of serve and way of  transportation . Aluminum and plastic containers have a cap because of their unique design style, in addition to preventing food from spilling, they can control the moisture of the food and prevent it from dampening, changing the taste  and lowering its quality.

Size and shape of the takeaway food box

The best way to draw the attention of  the customer is to design the takeaway food  box with the desired shapes and different designs. For example, using the name, brand, and restaurant logo, as well as items such as address or information, you can get more acquaintance  of  customers with your restaurant.